Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Miss Thompson Steps Back

I'm not sure how I missed reading Jhumpa Lahiri until
now, as her name and her books have been in the news
for years. Over the holidays, I devoured Unaccustomed 
Earth (Knopf, 2008) and it gets four stars, four lipsticks, full accolades.
It's enough to say her writing is perfect. Now I'm reading
The Namesake (Houghton Mifflin, 2002), just to catch up
($2 at the library book sale). 
And because I admire George Stephanopoulos on ABC, I am
reading All Too Human (Little, Brown, 1999) about his work
on the Clinton campaign, way back when. All that history; all that
fun. It's an icy day; Miss Thompson is wearing Body Shop pink-brown
lip pencil all over her lips, topped with peppermint Chapstick and
some Molton Brown gloss. Time for hot chocolate.

1 comment:

Teacher Resource Blog said...

What a fun twist in a book blog