Monday, January 26, 2009

Miss Thompson in Kenya

A tender little story of unrequited love, A Guide to the Birds of East Africa
by Nicholas Drayson (Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-547-15258-5, $22) can be devoured in hours--it's that good. Under Kenyan skies, the wild man Mr. Kahn and the shy widower Mr. Malik compete for the affection of the lovely British widow Rose Mbikwa. Each chapter begins with a simple illustration of a Kenyan bird—so pretty—and the cover alone is a work of art; kudos to Christopher Neal.  I imagine this book could be compared to those written by Alexander McCall Smith, though I have never warmed to his writing. Drayson's 202 pages are perfection, and I love how he talks to me as he writes: "Before we find out more about the mysterious stranger, I should tell you a little more about Mr Malik, and about Rose...." Mysterious stranger? I'm there! No need to wear lipstick while reading this book: just jump into bed, pull up the covers, with a hot water bottle at your feet...and possibly a cat.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Miss Thompson Steps Back

I'm not sure how I missed reading Jhumpa Lahiri until
now, as her name and her books have been in the news
for years. Over the holidays, I devoured Unaccustomed 
Earth (Knopf, 2008) and it gets four stars, four lipsticks, full accolades.
It's enough to say her writing is perfect. Now I'm reading
The Namesake (Houghton Mifflin, 2002), just to catch up
($2 at the library book sale). 
And because I admire George Stephanopoulos on ABC, I am
reading All Too Human (Little, Brown, 1999) about his work
on the Clinton campaign, way back when. All that history; all that
fun. It's an icy day; Miss Thompson is wearing Body Shop pink-brown
lip pencil all over her lips, topped with peppermint Chapstick and
some Molton Brown gloss. Time for hot chocolate.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Miss Thompson In Venice

My first recommendation for 2009 is a ghost story! ... 
not my usual fare, but this book is hand-size and readable
in just a day or two--can't stop 'til you finish. British author
Susan Hill's The Man in the Picture (Overlook Press, 2008) 
concerns murder and a piece of art that continues to haunt people,
time and again. Read this wearing Cinderella's Castle lipgloss 
from, from makeup genius Kriss Soterion. 
Miss Thompson says, Be beautiful and scared.